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(619) 333-4311


Eddie Teaches IT
Career Path Tool

Project Manager Career Overview

Sample Job Titles

  • Project Manager
  • Project Leader
  • Project Team Member

Typical Salary

  • $60,000-140,000 ($30-70 per hour)

Typical time and cost to complete training

  • 12 months
  • $9,500

Eddie Teaches IT Courses Needed to Complete Training for this Position

(click/tap course to view details)

Job Description

Project management is becoming more and more important since businesses are realizing its value. A project is temporary, so a project manager manages a team that is assembled for a project for a limited period of time. An example could be if an organization wants to build a new software application. The project could last from the beginning up until its launch, and the project manager would be responsible for leading a team that can get the job done and making sure the project is a success.

The value of project management is that it is repeatable and most projects can be treated in a similar way. Of course the execution for building a software application is a lot different than a university building a new football stadium, but both are temporary in duration and would benefit a great deal from a project management approach.

Getting a Job

Project managers have to be good at working with people, scheduling, budgeting, and dealing with risks. An IT project manager can be successful without a knowledge in IT, but most will tell you having an understanding is a great benefit to all involved.

A great way to get into project management is to work at a company that implements project management and to volunteer to be part of project teams.

Explore Other Career Paths and Job Titles


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(619) 333-4311

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